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Resource Library

Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre

Provides resources in multiple languages to support culturally safe and competent mental health care for Canada's diverse population, with resources for patients, families, community organizations and health professionals. 

BC Alliance for Healthy Living Society

EverybodyMoves Resource Hub

A database of resources to support inclusive and accessible physical activity for all British Columbians. There are resources for leaders in physical activity as well as some resources for parents. 

Borderline Personality Disorder Association of BC

This association provides education and support for people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) as well as their family members and friends. They also increase awareness to throughout BC and to promote research about BPD.

BC Children's Hospital

Rolling with ADHD for Teachers

An eight module series that covers practical tools and strategies for educators of children with ADHD. This series has been adapted from the long standing program at BC Children’s, and includes what research show really works for kids and school communities living with ADHD.


Mental Health Curriculum Guide

A free, online modular resource to help educators to apply this classroom-ready, web-based mental health curriculum to students aged 12-19 and to develop their own mental health literacy. This resource consists of six self-guided online modules with many resources to support educators in school contexts.

Anxiety Canada


An introduction to PANDAS and PANS, which are rare neuropsychiatric conditions that affect children and young adolescents. Learn what it is, what the symptoms are, how its treated, and more. 

Where You Are Podcast

Through real stories, expertise, and practical tips, this podcast helps families promote their mental health and wellness, navigating important topics to meet you where you are in your journey.