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FASD - A Parent's Perspective

September 9 was International FASD Awareness Day, with the whole month of September being recognized as FASD Awareness Month by many. For those of you who don't know, but mainly for those that do, let’s talk a bit about what it is like to live as a family with FASD. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a lifelong disability that affects the brain and body of people who were exposed to alcohol in the womb. The effects can look different in every child, and they do look different in each of our kids. 
4 minutes

Sensory Regulation Tips for Summer

Summer often means exposure to a range of sensory stimuli that are vastly different from what children experience during the school year. Some children may find the new and intense sensations of summer to be uncomfortable or distressing - especially those who are highly sensitive or have sensory processing challenges.
5 minutes

Mindfulness, Parenting, and Caregiving: New Resources

Family life can be super stressful at times, there’s no doubt about it.

Mindfulness can be a powerful remedy to parenting stress and can increase our ability to cope. With mindfulness we can respond skillfully to what’s needed in the moment. Whether it’s practicing one mindful breath, or one mindful step, it is possible to remain calm and centered as we interact and connect with loved ones. Practicing mindfulness can also support our overall well-being and help us to appreciate positive parenting moments.

2 minutes
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