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BC Children's Hospital

Rolling with ADHD for Teachers

An eight module series that covers practical tools and strategies for educators of children with ADHD. This series has been adapted from the long standing program at BC Children’s, and includes what research show really works for kids and school communities living with ADHD.

Anxiety Canada

My Anxiety Plan (MAP)

My Anxiety Plan (MAP) is a free resource for parents and caregivers to “coach” anxious children or teens using practical strategies and tools to manage mild to moderate anxiety.


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Medication Sheets

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Canadian Mental Health Association

Confident Parents: Thriving Kids

The Confident Parents: Thriving Kids programs helps BC parents and caregivers support their children aged 3-12 to manage either anxiety or behaviour challenges, through phone-based coaching.

BC Government

HealthLink BC

Visit their website or contact them by dialing 8-1-1 You can speak with a health service navigator, who can also connect you with a registered nurse or dietitian, exercise professional, or pharmacist. Translation services are available in over 130 languages on request.


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Aide Canada

The Gift of Being Different

The Gift of Being Different, a short documentary, follows Grant Bruno as he navigates the world of autism with his child. Through the film we learn his community views autism as a gift.


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Aide Canada

Parent Advice Videos

Parent Advice Videos are questions asked and answered by parents across Canada. This project was created and developed by Canadian parents from the autism community.

Anxiety Canada


An introduction to PANDAS and PANS, which are rare neuropsychiatric conditions that affect children and young adolescents. Learn what it is, what the symptoms are, how its treated, and more. 

Where You Are Podcast

Through real stories, expertise, and practical tips, this podcast helps families promote their mental health and wellness, navigating important topics to meet you where you are in your journey.