All Resources
App or Online Tool
MindMasters 2
This resource helps children (4-9 years of age) develop social and emotional skills through relaxation, positive thinking and mindfulness in fun and age-appropriate ways.
Self-compassion for parents: Nurture your child by caring for yourself
This empathic resource will help you let go of constant self-judgment and treat yourself with the same kindness and caring you strive to offer your kids.
Let's play outdoors: Exploring nature for children
A book that encourages children to go and play outside and discover what nature has to offer.
Expected loss: Coping with anticipatory grief
This process of anticipatory grief is normal, but it can also be confusing and painful. Life is change, and change is hard. This book will help see you through.
Kelty's Webinars
School Anxiety & Attendance Challenges - Practical Strategies for School Professionals: Webinar Series
Webinar recordings, powerpoint slides, and companion documents for our School Anxiety & Attendance Challenges webinar series for both elementary and high school professionals (January 2021).
School Anxiety & Attendance Challenges - Practical Strategies for Parents & Caregivers: Webinar Series
Webinar recordings, powerpoint slides, and companion documents for our School Anxiety & Attendance Challenges webinar series for Parents & Caregivers (Nov. 2020).
Medication Sheets
Treating Irritability of ASD
Information sheet on medications for treating irritability of autism.
Mixed Amphetamine Salts (Adderall XR®)
Mixed Amphetamine Salts is a long-acting stimulant medication used to treat ADHD.
Methylphenidate (Ritalin®, Ritalin SR®)
Methylphenidate is a stimulant medication used to treat ADHD.
Comfort, Play & Teach: Activities to Support Development
This resource offers parents and caregivers suggestions for engaging with their young child and understanding how that experience supports their child's development and well-being.
Self-Care Plan
A self-care plan template to support parents and caregivers to take care of their well-being.
Bullying stops here! A guide for parents to help their children
This guide for parents and caregivers outlines how they can work with schools to ensure their child is part of a safe and respectful school community.
Podcasts and Audio
Re-Release (ICYMI) - Eating Disorders: How Parents Can Play an Active Role in Recovery
No Shortage of Questions: Helping Kids Cope with Big Life Changes
Support Service
Confident Parents: Thriving Kids
The Confident Parents: Thriving Kids programs helps BC parents and caregivers support their children aged 3-12 to manage either anxiety or behaviour challenges, through phone-based coaching.
Resources Around Me - Kids Help Phone
Allows you to search for resources in your area that can support you through whatever's going on in your life. Examples of resources are counselling and mental health, sexual health and housing help.
KUU-US Crisis Line Society
Crisis intervention trained phone operators assist those in crisis 24hrs a day. KUU-US provides crisis services to all Aboriginal people across BC.
School Mental Health Framework
In this video, Maureen talks about the role of schools in promoting mental well-being and preventing mental health challenges and the importance of the district’s collaboration with public health to create a common understanding of mental health terminology in the community.
Substance Use – Relationship over Responsibility
This presentation is a facilitated discussion to help share some practical ways to move through the challenges of being a parent of a young person with substance use challenges.
Finding Calm – Body Scan Exercise
This video guides you through a body scan visualization exercise. It can teach you to soothe your body and mind; calming your emotions when you feel overwhelmed or stressed.
Helping Schools
Includes curriculum resources and lesson plans focused on drug literacy with the goal of encouraging students to both express and think critically about their current drug- and gambling-related beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.
Heart-Mind Online Resources for Families
A collection of resources to build capacity in families to support the Heart-Mind well-being of children, and promotes their social and emotional development.
SEL Matters
Learn more about the role of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the early years, including its impact on brain development, success in school, a healthier society and a stronger economy.