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We Are Allies

We Are Allies was created to help adults learn how to support and care for the trans, Two-Spirit, and non-binary youth in their lives.

Four Feathers Society

BC Indigenous 2SLGBTIQ+ Wellness Program

The 2 Spirits of BC website is provided by the Four Feathers Society. The society organizes events for 2 Spirit people living in BC that improves their wellness.

Aide Canada

Parent Advice Videos

Parent Advice Videos are questions asked and answered by parents across Canada. This project was created and developed by Canadian parents from the autism community.

Anxiety Canada


An introduction to PANDAS and PANS, which are rare neuropsychiatric conditions that affect children and young adolescents. Learn what it is, what the symptoms are, how its treated, and more. 

Our Kids Health

Our Kids' Health

Our Kid's Health shares evidence-based health information that is translated and adapted to help you make the right decisions for the health of your family.

University of British Columbia

Bipolar Wellness Centre Tools

This hub has evidence-informed strategies for self-managing bipolar disorder including tools, videos and resources.

BC Ministry of Children & Family Development

Suicide Prevention and Self Harm Video Series and Resources

The aim of these prevention and early intervention videos and resources is to reduce stigma, increase mental health literacy, and build capacity of parents & caregivers, educators and others who are supporting youth experiencing suicidal and self-harm behaviours.

Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research

Helping Schools

Includes curriculum resources and lesson plans focused on drug literacy with the goal of encouraging students to both express and think critically about their current drug- and gambling-related beliefs, attitudes and behaviours.

Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education

Heart-Mind Online Resources for Families

A collection of resources to build capacity in families to support the Heart-Mind well-being of children, and promotes their social and emotional development.

Vancouver Early Years Partnership

SEL Matters

Learn more about the role of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in the early years, including its impact on brain development, success in school, a healthier society and a stronger economy. 

Confident Parents, Confident Kids

A site for parents to support their child's social and emotional development. The site offers a range of blog posts and resources related to social emotional development for parents, caregivers and families. 

National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health

Family Connections Booklet

A resource booklet about bonding with your child for First Nations and Metis parents and caregivers in BC. It presents information on bonding, forming secure attachments with children, and connecting with extended family and community.

Family Support Institute of BC

Self-Injurious Behaviours​

This unique 6-part series on self-injurious behaviour (SIB) is meant to promote education around severe SIB, create a supportive SIB community, and advocate for better health outcomes.


Support for Parents: QMUNITY

When young folks have questions about gender or sexuality, they are often looking for support. This section of QMUNITY's website offers FAQs and resources for parents and caregivers. 

BC Alliance for Healthy Living Society

EverybodyMoves Resource Hub

A database of resources to support inclusive and accessible physical activity for all British Columbians. There are resources for leaders in physical activity as well as some resources for parents. 

BC Healthy Child Development Alliance

Feelings First

Feelings First is a campaign to introduce important concepts around Social and Emotional Development in the early years, to parents and caregivers across British Columbia.

BC Children's Hospital Research Institute

Healthy Sleep for Kids

Learn what healthy sleep looks like for newborns, infants, toddlers, and preschool age children. It looks different at different times of early childhood development. There are also resources for parents. 

The BC Centre on Substance Use

Family and Caregiver Resources

A list of substance use resources, services, and information on navigating the substance use system of care, for family members and caregivers of individuals with substance use challenges or disorders.

Family Media Plan

By creating a Personalized Family Media Use Plan, you can be aware of when you are using media to achieve your purpose. This website will help you to think about media & create goals & rules that are in line with your family’s values.



MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. This site helps to provide information for children and youth have the critical thinking skills to engage with media as active and informed digital citizens.

Protect Kids Online is here to help parents/guardians stay on top of the digital world their children are engaging in.

Government of Canada

Cybersafe Blogs

Cybersafe’s blogs and articles provide information on different dangerous situations online. This site also contains news on cyber security so you can keep up-to-date on new security methods and scams.

K-12 Staff Wellbeing

K-12 Staff Wellbeing BC Network

This website is a starting point for sharing information and work on staff wellbeing in BC schools & districts, with curated materials and resources. 

BC Ministry of Children and Family Development

EASE at Home

EASE (Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators) lessons have been adapted for use by parents and caregivers to help children manage worries and anxiety at home. 

Sport for Life

Find tips to help children get the most out of their sport experience, including a Sport Parent's Guide. 


In the Know Series

The FamilySmart ‘In the Know’ series provides expert speakers on topics important to families and others supporting a child or youth with a mental health and/or substance use challenges.

Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines

The 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Canadians of all ages (early years, children and youth, and adults) provide guidance on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep. 

BC Children's Hospital/UBC/BCIRPU

Helping parents, caregivers, and educators gain the confidence and skills to support children's outdoor play.  

Province of British Columbia

BC Parks

Find a provincial park, plan your visit, and make camping reservations. 

Active For Life

Parents will find activities for kids, resources, and articles with tips to help your child be physically active for life. 


Supporting Parents of Suicidal Youth

Read wisdom and insight from parents with lived experience, clinicians, and suicide prevention experts to guide what parents supporting suicidal youth needed to know to keep their child safe and alive.

EdCan Network

Well at Work

Well at Work aims to shift mindsets by showcasing research, policy and practice that results in healthier, happier, and more resilient Kindergarten-to-Grade 12 staff.

Social Emotional Learning British Columbia

Social-Emotional Learning BC

​SEL BC is a network of educators, researchers, and community organizations committed to the promotion of social-emotional learning, social responsibility, and collaborative learning within school and community settings across the Lower Mainland of BC. 

Well-Being BC

Well-Being BC

Well-Being BC was created for all schools, as part of a school-based mental health initiative to support social-emotional learning, mental health literacy, and trauma-informed approaches.

Heart-Mind Online

Heart-Mind Online Resources for Educators

Heart-Mind Online provides evidence-informed knowledge, insight and resources that support educators in responding to the social and emotional learning needs of students.

Family Support Institute of BC

Family Support Institute of BC

Provides free support for all families in BC who have a family member with a disability by connecting them to trained volunteers referred to as “Resource Parents/Peers”.

Health Canada

Canada's Food Guide

Canada's Food Guide is a source of advice to help Canadians make healthy food choices. It highlights healthy recipes, tips and practices to support healthy eating and behaviours.



WellAhead is an initiative that aims to improve child and youth mental health by integrating social and emotional wellbeing into K-12 education.

Canadian Mental Health Association

Staying Well In Uncertain Times

Includes resources, services, and information to support parents and caregivers who may be going through a difficult time.

University of British Columbia

Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)

HELP brings together scientific viewpoints to address complex early child development issues to improve the health and well-being of children.

BC Children's Hospital

Helping children and teens cope with social isolation

Keeping kids inside and away from others isn’t easy. In this blog post, BC Children’s Hospital's Dr. Ashley Miller provides some tips and strategies for how families can navigate through these challenging times. 

The Asante Centre

The Asante Centre

The Asante Centre is a leader in the fields of FASD and other neurodevelopmental conditions and provides services and supports to individuals and their families across BC.

BC Children's Hospital

Preparing Children and Youth for Hospital Procedures

This webpage provides resources to help children and youth understand what will be happening to them during their visit to the hospital and during different procedures.This includes resources for children with anxiety, autism, and other mental health challenges. 

Canadian Virtual Hospice

Kids Grief

A free online resource that helps parents support their children when someone in their life is dying or had died. It equips parents with the words and confidence needed to help children grieve life's losses in healthy ways. 

Canadian Paediatric Society

Your Teen's Sexual Orientation

In this resource, find information about how you can support your child as they explore their sexual orientation, as well as how to respond if your child comes out to you.

Provincial Health Services Authority

Trans Care BC

Explore resources for families with trans, Two-Spirit or non-binary children, parents or caregivers. 

Pflag Canada

Pflag Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their LGBTQ2S children. 

Gender Creative Kids

This site provides resources for supporting and affirming gender creative kids within their families, schools and communities.

BC Government

Expect Respect & A Safe Education (ERASE)

ERASE is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community  to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

Leave Out Violence Society BC

Leave Out Violence (LOVE) Society BC

Leave Out Violence (LOVE) Society BC has been delivering award winning youth-driven media arts-based violence prevention and intervention programming to youth who face multiple barriers.  

Dietitians of Canada

On you’ll find information on nutrition, food and healthy eating as well as recipes, videos and interactive healthy eating tools.  The content is written and reviewed by dietitians. There is also information about contacting a dietitian in BC. 

School Mental Health Assist

Everyday Mental Health Classroom Resource

This resource is designed to support elementary educators (K-8) in this role by offering a repository of high-quality everyday mental health practices that can be easily incorporated into classroom routines.


Mental Health Curriculum Guide

A free, online modular resource to help educators to apply this classroom-ready, web-based mental health curriculum to students aged 12-19 and to develop their own mental health literacy.

BC Ministry of Children and Family Development

Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators (EASE)

Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators (EASE) is a collection of school-based, evidence-informed online course and anxiety management and resilience-building resources for use by B.C. educators with students in grades K-7 and 8-12.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Centre for Parent and Teen Communication

The CPTC uses the best of science on youth development and parenting to support healthy family relationships and empower parents to effectively guide teens to be their best selves. 

Mental Health Commission of Canada


This site has toolkits to assist schools in planning mental health related initiatives. The toolkits provide information and ideas to help schools design and implement an anti-stigma youth summit and create and sustain school-based activities.

Kid Care Canada Society

Provides parents with quick and easy to understand videos and information about the science of early childhood development.

New Hope Media

ADDitude: Inside the ADHD Mind

Practical information for parents/caregivers of children with ADHD, including school and learning, positive parenting, friendships and activities, and more. 

BC Children's Hospital

Metabolic Resources for Families

Metabolic resources including a Patient and Family Guide to Second Generation Antipsychotics and Second-Generation Antipsychotic (SGA) handouts to support families with metabolic complications, diet and activity.

Canadian Mental Health Association

Centre for Suicide Prevention

This website offers a variety of information, tools and resources to support suicide prevention, including resources for educators. 

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health


Information about what Heroin is, how long it lasts, how it makes you feel, if it is addictive and dangerous, and long term effects. 

Leah Kuypers, Social Thinking Inc.

The Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum geared toward helping students gain skills in consciously regulating their actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem solving abilities. For developmental ages 8+.

BC Teachers' Federation


Online resource of teaching materials, lessons and research relevant to the K-12 BC curriculum. Teachers can search for mental health resources by subject, grade, language and more. 


Healthy Schools BC

A list of programs and supports for positive mental health, substance use, healthy living and school connectedness. 

BC Children's Hospital

Gender Resources

Information and resources for gender questioning and trans children, youth, and their families. 

BC Children's Hospital

Types of Therapy - Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some general FAQs on types of therapy, with answers. If you have specific questions about the therapy prescribed to you or your child, ask the therapist you are seeing.

Dr. Dan Siegel

Inspire to Rewire - Dr. Dan Siegel

Information and resources on healthy brain development and how to help children and youth with emotional/self-regulation from Dr. Dan Siegel. 

Stuart Shanker

The MEHRIT Centre

An educational organization, established by Dr. Stuart Shanker, with information and resources on self-regulation.

The Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Effective Child Therapy

The site aims to provide parents and caregivers with easy-to-access information on the symptoms and treatments of behavioral and mental health challenges in children and adolescents.

University of British Columbia

Social & Emotional Learning Resource Finder

The Resource Finder provides a variety of resources to help school professionals learn about social and emotional learning, apply teaching methods and asses their efforts.

International OCD Foundation

OCD In Kids

This US-based site provides information on OCD in children and teens, including articles, brochures, fact sheets, videos, and suggested reading. There are sections for parents and kids.

Ellyn Satter Institute

Ellyn Satter Institute

Resources for children and families on how to feed and eat joyfully and confidently.

BC Government

FASD: Assessment and Parent Support Services

Information for families of children and youth with confirmed or suspected FASD, including available assessment services and key worker and parent support options in BC communities.

Borderline Personality Disorder Association of BC

This association provides education and support for people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) as well as their family members and friends. They also increase awareness to throughout BC and to promote research about BPD.


Bullying: What Parents Need to Know

This website offers information and practical strategies parents can use to help their children build healthy relationships and prevent violence. Includes information for parents of children in pre-school, elementary, and high school, as well as information about cyber bullying.

BC Children's Hospital

Kelty Eating Disorders Website

The Kelty Eating Disorders Website has information, a help finder tool, and all of our resources on eating disorders and disordered eating for parents and caregivers, as well as individuals with an eating disorder or disordered eating concern.

Pain BC

Pain BC

This website provides support and education for people living with chronic pain, including children/youth in pain and their families. The site also has information and tools for health care providers.

Boys and Girls Club of BC

Parents Together

This organization provides family programs and parent groups throughout BC.

BC Council for Families

This organization provides a variety of resources, featuring articles covering topics such as parenting after divorce or parenting when there is mental illness in the family, and a wide range of other family situations.

BC Government

Child Abuse Prevention Helpline for Children in BC

Anyone up to the age of 24 who is being mistreated at home, at school, in the play ground, etc. can call for help. Adults can also call if they know a family where a child or youth is being mistreated, or if they are afraid they may hurt a child.

Childhood Bereavement Network

A hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families, hosted by the UK National Children's Bureau. Includes general information, as well as, suggested books and DVDs.

Boston's Children's Hospital

Young Men's Health

A website with health information for teen guys and young men.

Anxiety Canada

Anxiety Canada

Provides information for parents & caregivers on on anxiety in children and youth, including including self-help toolkits, personal stories, and videos.

Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre

Provides resources in multiple languages to support culturally safe and competent mental health care for Canada's diverse population, with resources for patients, families, community organizations and health professionals. 

McCreary Centre Society

Offers fact sheets, survey data, and reports related to the health of BC youth. Includes the BC Adolescent Health Survey, with provincial results on youth mental health.

BC Partners for Mental Health

Here to Help

Provides information and resources about mental illness, substance use and healthy living topics. This website also including multilingual resources.

BC Children's Hospital

BC Children’s Family Library

Provides support, information and connections to patients and families throughout BC. Families can borrow library material for free with an option to order and return material through the mail.

Ross Greene

Lives in the Balance

This non-profit organization helps parents and caregivers understand behaviour problems in children and promotes Collaborative Problem Solving.

Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

Infant Mental Health Promotion

This site has activities and tips for parents to promote optimal development and mental health for their infants and children, including their "Comfort, Play, and Teach" Program.

BC Government

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Government resource providing information on autism assessment, funding programs, and resources for parents & service providers.

Autism Canada

Autism Canada

Provides information and resources for coping with autism.

Autism Community Training

Autism Community Training (ACT)

Provides province-wide information and educational opportunities on autism to support families and service providers.

Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada

Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada

Provides information, resources, and videos for parents/caregivers on a variety of ADHD topics including advocacy, parenting, schooling and adult ADHD. Also has sections for children and health care professionals.

Where You Are Podcast

Through real stories, expertise, and practical tips, this podcast helps families promote their mental health and wellness, navigating important topics to meet you where you are in your journey.