When it comes to substance use education, school professionals are an important resource. Schools can provide supportive environments that promote overall well-being and equip students with the confidence, knowledge and skills they need to make decisions about the substances they'll encounter as they grow. Bryn and guest co-host Cindy Andrew come together with Dave Mackenzie, a school counsellor and Art Steinmann, a Youth Substance Use Health Promotion Specialist, to talk about the ABCs of substance use education and schools. They share evidence-based approaches that help students build protective factors including autonomy, belonging and competence and describe how this can help prevent, delay and reduce substance-related harms.
S4E4 - Promoting Student Wellbeing: The ABC's of Substance Use Education (Transcript)
S4E4 - Promoting Student Wellbeing: The ABC's of Substance Use Education (Transcript)
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