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App or Online Tool

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University of British Columbia

Learning for Life

A resource for educators teaching grades 4-7 that promotes healthy lifestyle behaviours and builds digital health literacy skills.

National Institute of Mental Health


TicHelper is an online, self-guided therapy program for families of children with chronic tic disorder and Tourette disorder. The 8-week program involves education about tics, skill-based lessons and daily practice.

BC Children's Hospital


Free web app that provides a fun and engaging way for children to learn about stress, understand how they react to it, and develop healthy strategies to cope with stress in their daily lives.


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Kelty's Webinars

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BC Children's Hospital

ADHD: Webinar Series

Webinar recordings and powerpoint slides for our ADHD for Parents and Caregivers webinar series. Topics include the basics of ADHD, evidence based treatment options, self-regulation tools, tips on parenting a child with ADHD, and how to help a child with ADHD at school (May 2021).

BC Children's Hospital

Selective Mutism & Reluctant Speakers: Webinar Series

Webinar recordings and powerpoint slides from our Selective Mutism and Reluctant Speakers webinar series, which includes a webinar for parents & caregivers, and a webinar for school professionals (May 2021).

Medication Sheets

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BC Children's Hospital

Buprenorphine-Naloxone (Suboxone®)

Buprenorphine-Naloxone (Suboxone®) is a medication that belongs to a group of medications called opioid agonist therapy (OAT). It is primarily used for the management of adults with moderate to serve opioid dependence. 

BC Children's Hospital

Buprenorphine (Sublocade®)

Buprenorphine extended-release injection (Sublocade®) is a medication that belongs to a group of medications called opioid agonist therapy (OAT). It is primarily used for the management of adults with moderate to serve opioid dependence. 


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Support Service

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Crisis: 1-800-SUICIDE [1-800-784-2433] | Mental Health Support & Information: 310 6789 [no area code]

Crisis Centre

Available 24/7 these phone services provide mental health support, information, and resources for people who are distressed as well as their friends and families. Available in over 140 languages using a language service.

posAbilities Association of BC

Laurel Behaviour Support Services

Offers individualized behaviour support services for children and adults with autism or other developmental disabilities. They offer Triple P Stepping Stones workshops, as well as other workshops for families, care providers and professionals.


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Wellbeing BC

Home Learning for Well-being Video Library

A video series that shows effective strategies that can be used across home and school settings to better support students in developing the skills needed for social, emotional and behavioural well-being and thriving.


The ABCs of Substance Use and Connecting With Our Kids

Join FamilySmart for a conversation with Senior Associates, Youth Substance Use Health Promotion, a Youth Addiction Counsellor and Parents to talk about the basics of substance use; from pre-experimentation to casual using. 

Christopher Willard

Letting Go: A Visualization for Parents

A visualization video for parents and caregivers on how letting go (in three different ways) can make space in your life and help spread kindness to yourself and your family.


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Our Kids Health

Our Kids' Health

Our Kid's Health shares evidence-based health information that is translated and adapted to help you make the right decisions for the health of your family.

University of British Columbia

Bipolar Wellness Centre Tools

This hub has evidence-informed strategies for self-managing bipolar disorder including tools, videos and resources.

BC Ministry of Children & Family Development

Suicide Prevention and Self Harm Video Series and Resources

The aim of these prevention and early intervention videos and resources is to reduce stigma, increase mental health literacy, and build capacity of parents & caregivers, educators and others who are supporting youth experiencing suicidal and self-harm behaviours.

Where You Are Podcast

Through real stories, expertise, and practical tips, this podcast helps families promote their mental health and wellness, navigating important topics to meet you where you are in your journey.