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BC Children's Hospital

Is My Child Taking Their Medication?

Explains the possible signs and reasons why a child may not take medication as prescribed. Includes suggestions for how to talk with your child and your health care team when it is suspected a child is not taking their medication.


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University of British Columbia

Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)

HELP brings together scientific viewpoints to address complex early child development issues to improve the health and well-being of children.

Child Mind Institute

Support for Kids With ADHD During the Coronavirus Crisis

Families are struggling to care and bring children normal routines and activities during the coronavirus crisis. And kids with ADHD may need extra structure and support to manage attention, behavior challenges, and keep on track with schooling in this challenging situation. This article provides suggestions for helping kids with ADHD.

BC Children's Hospital

Helping children and teens cope with social isolation

Keeping kids inside and away from others isn’t easy. In this blog post, BC Children’s Hospital's Dr. Ashley Miller provides some tips and strategies for how families can navigate through these challenging times. 

Where You Are Podcast

Through real stories, expertise, and practical tips, this podcast helps families promote their mental health and wellness, navigating important topics to meet you where you are in your journey.