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Resource Library

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Centre for Parent and Teen Communication

The CPTC uses the best of science on youth development and parenting to support healthy family relationships and empower parents to effectively guide teens to be their best selves. 

Canadian Virtual Hospice

Kids Grief

A free online resource that helps parents support their children when someone in their life is dying or had died. It equips parents with the words and confidence needed to help children grieve life's losses in healthy ways. 

BC Children's Hospital

Live 5-2-1-0

This app is designed for children aged 8-12 and their parents to build healthy habits. Kids can set a goal, then choose fun daily challenges to work towards a reward!

BC Schizophrenia Society (BCSS)

The BC Schizophrenia Society provides support and information on their website for families and friends of people with schizophrenia or psychosis, including online support forums.

BC Government

Child Abuse Prevention Helpline for Children in BC

Call 310-1234 from anywhere in BC, no area code required. Anyone up to the age of 24 who is being mistreated at home, at school, in the play ground, etc. can call for help. Parents, caregivers, teachers, friends can also call if you know a family where a child or youth is being mistreated, or if you are afraid you may hurt a child.

BC Children's Hospital


Free web app that provides a fun and engaging way for children to learn about stress, understand how they react to it, and develop healthy strategies to cope with stress in their daily lives.

Where You Are Podcast

Through real stories, expertise, and practical tips, this podcast helps families promote their mental health and wellness, navigating important topics to meet you where you are in your journey.