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BC School Centred Mental Health Coalition

Welcome to the BC School Centred Mental Health Coalition Website! The Coalition has always been about connection between people and organizations. It is about sharing our creative, collective knowledge to promote and sustain positive well-being in schools. This website gives us another platform to continue the connection, conversations and actions that we are committed to. This is an exciting time in our province for promoting school connectedness and well-being. The Coalition is uniquely positioned to support this work. So come and join us as we harness the power of the collective and get to work on improving the health and well-being of everyone in our school communities!



The British Columbia School Centred Mental Health Coalition (the Coalition) was started in 2010 to advance the concept of “school connectedness” and highlight the body of research and strategies that support this concept. The Coalition now has members representing more than 70 organizations representing government ministries and non-government organizations, service providers, research agencies and institutions, advocacy groups, professional associations and the education system. This cross-sector, interdisciplinary membership helps to ensure that the efforts of the Coalition are relevant and accessible to a diverse range of stakeholders across school communities and the province in general.


British Columbia schools are safe and caring learning environments fostering the mental well-being of their communities.

Key Documents

Read about the Coalition's plan for improving the well-being of BC students, families and communities. 

Join the Coalition

The Coalition is a diverse group of passionate and committed people representing non-profit, government, professional associations and school district staff as well as parents, advocates, and consultants.  We welcome new members.  

To enquire about joining the Coalition, please email us: