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Antipsychotic Medications

Several medications are useful for the treatment of psychosis and other related conditions.  These medications are also used for treatment of mood, anxiety, eating and disruptive behaviour disorders. Sometimes these medications are called neuroleptics, first-generation or typical antipsychotics and second-generation or atypical antipsychotics. 

Below you will find information sheets on each of these medications, as well as some resource guides and an antipsychotic monitoring form for families. Use the antipsychotic monitoring form to help you and your doctor monitor how well this medication is working is working for your child, and also to measure any side effects your child may be experiencing.

Lurasidone (Latuda®)

Lurasidone is developed to treat psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia and can also help treat depression associated with bipolar disorder.

Paliperidone SR (Invega®)

Paliperidone is used for treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, management of acute mania in bipolar disorder, and irritability associated with autism spectrum disorder. 

Metabolic Resources for Families

Metabolic resources including a Patient and Family Guide to Second Generation Antipsychotics and Second-Generation Antipsychotic (SGA) handouts to support families with metabolic complications, diet and activity.

Where You Are Podcast

Through real stories, expertise, and practical tips, this podcast helps families promote their mental health and wellness, navigating important topics to meet you where you are in your journey.