All Resources
App or Online Tool
Rolling with ADHD for Parents & Caregivers
An eight module series that covers practical tools and strategies for caregivers of children with ADHD. This series has been adapted from the long standing program at BC Children’s, and includes what research show really works for kids and families living with ADHD.
My Anxiety Plan (MAP)
My Anxiety Plan (MAP) is a free resource for parents and caregivers to “coach” anxious children or teens using practical strategies and tools to manage mild to moderate anxiety.
Walking Alongside Youth (WAY) with Anxiety: A course for foster care providers and out-of-care/kinship care providers
WAY Anxiety is an online course and collection of resources designed for Indigenous youth and families to provide practical, culturally safe ways of caring for youth with mild to moderate anxiety.
Nourished: Connection, food, and caring for our kids (and everyone else we love)
This book gives parents and caregivers the keys to transform the everyday act of feeding children (and other loved ones) into a most fulfilling and nourishing dance of attachment.
Secrets of feeding a healthy family: How to eat, how to raise good eaters, how to cook
This book encourages families to go to the trouble of feeding themselves well.
You are a social detective! Explaining social thinking to kids
This book teaches children and students (ages 5-10) how to recognize and develop social skills, a skill set they can use at home, school, or within the community.
Kelty's Webinars
Youth Inspiring Action for Mental Health - Video Toolkit Premiere
The Balancing Our Minds (BOM) Toolkit is a series of videos that aims to support and inspire youth wanting to make changes for improved mental health and well-being in their schools and communities. You can find the slides used in the presentation here.
Protective Factors for Student Mental Health and Well-being: Learnings from the YDI and Kids & Covid Project
Dr. Hasina Samji discusses mental health and well being in BC from recent findings from the Youth Development Instrument (YDI) and the Kids and COVID project – with a focus on protective factors and recommendations for improving mental health and well-being. You can find the slides used in the presentation here.
Part 2: Trailblazing Indigenous Pathways Through Social & Emotional Wellness : Webinar for School Professionals
For school professionals. Webinar recording for Part 2: Trailblazing Indigenous Pathways Through Social & Emotional Wellness. To see the accompanying presentation slides, click here (May 19, 2022).
Medication Sheets
Antidepressant Monitoring Form
A form used to monitor response and side effects with antidepressant medications.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are antidepressant, anti-anxiety and anti-OCD medications.
Great Meal Idea Handouts
Great meal ideas for your family including a handout for breakfast, lunch and snacks.
BCCH Support for School Communities
This resource outlines the variety of free services, supports and resources for school communities that the BC Children's Health Promotion team and Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre offer.
S5E06 Transcript_ Helping Kids Grow Through What They Go Through
In this minisode we are joined by Dr. Chris Willard, Harvard Psychologist, dad and author of ‘How To Grow Through What We Go Through.’
Podcasts and Audio
Support Service
Family Connections Program
Family Connections is a free, evidence-based 24-hour group program for people who are in a relationship with someone who has emotion dysregulation or related problems.
Generation Health Program
A free 10 week program designed for families in B.C. with children aged 8-12 years old. The program supports healthy family behaviours in areas such as healthy eating, physical activity, screen time and sleep.
Better Nights Better Days
A program for parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorders who have sleeping problems (ages 4-12). This is an online program developed by a team of sleep experts across Canada.
Parenting Challenging Behaviours in Children: Webinar
Dr. Janet Mah shares parenting strategies and resources to help you manage your child's behavioural challenges.
Rolling with ADHD Basics
In this video, the team of ADHD specialists at BC Children's Hospital help explain exactly what ADHD is, what the symptoms and impacts are, and do some myth busting along the way.
Mindfulness for Caregivers with Dr. Willard
In trying times, as caregivers, how can we not just survive but thrive in the face of challenge, burnout and imbalance? Join author, international speaker and Harvard psychologist Dr. Chris Willard as we discover the foundations of resilience and performance.
Shame & Parenthood
A series of videos and resources that address shame and parenthood.
Parent Advice Videos
Parent Advice Videos are questions asked and answered by parents across Canada. This project was created and developed by Canadian parents from the autism community.
An introduction to PANDAS and PANS, which are rare neuropsychiatric conditions that affect children and young adolescents. Learn what it is, what the symptoms are, how its treated, and more.